WidasConcepts Leverages Big Data and Cloud for Top Healthcare Startup

WidasConcepts, an innovative consulting company which offers Big Data and IoT solutions, today announced that they have signed up with a major healthcare company to provide a cloud-based application. The project ensures timely-intervention for treatment and ease with which health-care is provided, both for patients and for doctors.
The Bengaluru-based healthcare provider observed that serious eye-related issues often go undetected since the number of ophthalmologists is very low compared to the number of patients they diagnose. Enabling a pre-scan device deployed at a General Physician’s or dialectologist’s clinic would help capture a patient’s eye scan images. This enables quick diagnosis. To overcome this problem, the healthcare provider deployed WidasConcepts’ cloud-based application that helps in de-coupling scan and analysis. With WidasConcepts’ robust and scalable framework, the scanned patient data gets uploaded to the cloud and makes this data available to an expert or a doctor sitting miles away. The expert diagnoses patients based on this data and sends results back to the center where the patient was scanned.
Vishwa Kiran, CEO – India at WidasConcepts said, “WidasConcepts’ cloud application addresses key concerns of everyone involved; the organization is assured of a robust and scalable platform, patients benefit from reduced waiting time with expert advice, and the doctor can access information from a remote location, enabling real-time diagnosis. With these benefits, the client sees a lot of potential in improving their present-day scenario in the field of ophthalmology in India.”

NEW DELHI, India / Singapore – November 4, 2015

About WidasConcepts
The innovative IT consulting company WidasConcepts supports its customers since 1997 in successfully shaping their business processes. WidasConcepts develops modern and future-oriented concepts in the areas of Big Data, Internet of Things, as well as mobile and web-solutions. It aims to create intelligent business solutions that bring more success to the customers in the competitive market. The company serves its customers strategically from the business analysis up to the implementation of the overall solution for a wide variety of platforms and end-devices. WidasConcepts transports the bigger picture of IT. The company headquartered in Wimsheim, Germany and branch office in Bengaluru, India. WidasConcepts has currently 80 employees and is a member of the high-tech Association BITKOM.

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