WidasConcepts GmbH is a member of BITKOM
WidasConcepts GMbH is a member of BITKOM since July 2015. The German federal association of industries in Information-technology, telecommunication and new media.” BITKOM brings together the best heads and enterprises of the digital world”, says Thomas Widmann, CEO of WidasConcepts GMbH.” As an established IT solutions organisation, our active participation in BITKOM is very important. We look forward in particular to a lively exchange with professionals and executives around the themes of Big Data and Internet of Things and to new collaborations and projects in these innovative and future oriented domains. The aim at WidasConcepts GMbH is to take the bigger picture of IT further ahead and to make our customers happy and successful with our modern and intelligent IT solutions.” says Thomas Widmann.
Published: 28 July 2015
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The BITKOM is the voice of the IT, telecommunications and new media industry and represents more than 1,200 companies, with over 900 direct members. These include many global players as well as 600 key midsize companies. BITKOM’s membership generates a turn-over of 135 billion euros annually and exports high-technology worth 50 billion euros. Thus BITKOM represents approximately 90 percent of the German ICT/(ITK) market.